
World Vegan Month Activities in Victoria

November 1st was World Vegan Day, happy belated World Vegan Day! =)

It’s been 66 years now since the term ‘vegan’ was coined, and the Vegan Society founded, and we’ve progress fairly well! Let’s try and encourage more to go vegan for the rest of 2010, and into 2011.

To accomplish this, Friends of Animals has a few events planned in the immediate future. On Sunday, November 7th, we’ll be organizing a Feed-Out (giving out yummy vegan food to prove you can have tasty food and not hurt animals), as well as a screening of Peaceable Kingdom, followed by a Dine-Out at Green Cuisine.

On Monday, November 8th, we’ll be up at UVic to have a vegan bakesale fundraiser for Primarily Primates, the FoA sanctuary in Texas.

For all the details, visit The Victoria Vegan’s World Vegan Day page. Hope to see you there, and have a wonderful World Vegan Month!

Dave Shishkoff

Founder and Editor of the site, check the 'About' page for more info!

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