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This isn’t a typical topic for The Victoria Vegan, but many vegans also support rescues, and try to give rescued animals the best lives they can, so this is likely a topic of interest to many of our readers, and may welcome some new readers as well! I rescue small animals myself, currently with Luna the guinea pig, PV the dwarf hamster, and Claudia O’Wigglesworth the Syrian hamster, who all came from the SPCA. As a quick preface, I should emphasize is that as a vegan and animal rights activist I am strongly opposed to the sale of any animals, and that includes cats and dogs, and that’s the position of The Victoria Vegan as well. Any animal breeding is wrong, and of course ‘adopt, don’t shop’ is fully endorsed. This is a much more complex topic, but will leave it at there so it’s clear where I stand, and…