Tomorrow is our big event for the UVic bunnies, we’re hopeful for a large turnout! Below is our media release, the Facebook event page is here:
The UVic Friends of Animals Club Has organized a protest to speak up for and defend the UVic Rabbits. We’re expecting hundreds of students and members of the community to join our march around Ring Road. The event begins at the SUB (Student Union Building) on Wednesday, February 9th at 3pm.
We’re demanding UVic put an end to their savage plans to kill the remaining rabbits – it’s understandable that UVic wouldn’t want people abandoning rabbits on campus, but this isn’t how the situation needs to be handled.
We’re asking that the few remaining rabbits (probably under 30 based on such few sightings) remain on campus, and UVic should take responsibility after decades of neglect by organizing a TNR program (Trap, Neuter, Return; local vets have volunteered to help), and post signs around campus explaining that people shouldn’t abandon rabbits, instead taking them to the local SPCA.
Further, we’re hoping the City of Victoria will follow through on a proposal to ban the sale of pet rabbits.
All these steps would result in a peaceful and long-term resolution to the matter, a permanent reduction in population and allow the remaining rabbits to live out their lives with minimal impact, leaving them in relative peace on familiar grounds amongst their own communities. UVic clearly needs to learn to respect animals, not destroy them.
We fear that if they succeed with their rabbit-killing policy, who will be next in their bulls eye? The local deer? UVic should be setting a peaceful and respectful example, not portraying the mentality of someone like Elmer Fudd.
Please contact me if you have any questions, I will be available at the event as well.
Dave Shishkoff