We’re excited to launch a new campaign to ban the horse-drawn carriages in Victoria!
Our new postcard is targeted at City Hall, and asks Mayor Fortin and City Council to ban the horse-drawn carriages. City bylaws have a ban on all animal acts in Victoria, but there are exemptions for dogs and horses. We’re asking City Council to update this, and remove horses from the exemption.
Life in the city is neither decent nor safe for horses, who when released, should reside in sanctuaries. Please help educate City Council – pressing them to end this antiquated commercial industry.
We hope to raise $400 with our Fundrazr effort to cover costs for printing postcards, other promotional materials and postage.
You can view a PDF of our postcard: http://thevictoriavegan.com/foa/files/foa-hdc-postcard-1.pdf
NEW! Our poster, to promote the cards, is here: http://thevictoriavegan.com/foa/files/foa-hdc-postcard-poster.pdf
Information on our carriage campaign, including our new FAQ leaflet is available here: http://thevictoriavegan.com/foa/
Your donation is appreciated, even if it’s just $2 or $5 – any amount helps us print up more cards! Click here to support our Carriage-Free Victoria page: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/9aUC1
Finally, if you’d like some of our postcards to distribute in your area, please contact us, and we’ll get some of our new cards to you!
Thanks kindly,
Dave Shishkoff