
Catching Up: Victoria Screening of The Ghosts in Our Machine

Back on April 23rd, I participated in the Open Cinema ‘Connecting The Docs’ feature screening of Canadian documentary The Ghosts in Our Machine, which tracks photographer Jo-Anne McArthur as she investigates a fur farm, livestock farms, and animal laboratories and the animals used in these exploitative industries.

The event itself had a big social media tie-in, and our volunteers Mike N and Diana H were representing us (the Victoria Vegan Fest and The Victoria Vegan) on Facebook and Twitter respectively. I was also active on social media during showing, and joined the discussion panel afterwards along with Lesley Fox of the Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals, and Maneesha Deckha, UVic Associate Professor, Faculty of Law.

It was a great experience, lots of people I haven’t met before attended the film and participated in the discussion afterwards, discussing issues from the film as well as Canadian and local animal issues.

Check out their Storify archive of the event, featuring video, photos and tweets.

Here is the trailer to The Ghosts in Our Machine:

And here is the video to the post-film discussion:

A big thank-you to Mandy and Open Cinema for having us, and we hope to see more animal films in the future!

Dave Shishkoff, Editor

Founder and Editor of the site, check the 'About' page for more info!


  1. Thanks for being part of OPEN CINEMA's Connecting the Docs event Dave! It was such a powerful evening that has made me think about our animal friends and the choices I make that contribute to inhumane industries. Thankyou for the work you do!

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