is accessible and practical, and offers an introduction and stepping stone to veganism. For those who might find it challenging to commit fully to a vegan diet, or a 7 day ‘kickstart’, this could be what’s needed to give veganism a try.
The program is focused on the start of the day for many people: breakfast. And with a relatively small range of foods most have for breakfast, it’s a much easier change. It will also influence the rest of the day: if someone uses a non-dairy milk in their coffee in the morning, chances are they’ll reach for something similar later in the day. And what’s more, when ready to commit fully to veganism, good habits will have been established, and the transition will be significantly easier, having already experienced vegan meals regularly.
The other side of this is the benefit to activists – a VeganStart leaflet can be included with just about any other advocacy materials. When activists are at events, this will be a handy way to encourage people who are interested in helping animals, the planet and their health to start their journey. Our goal is through donations and fundraising to be able to supply our materials to activists for free.
The website is currently being populated with info, and will feature tons of tips and help, and even our own vegan breakfast recipe board!
While we’re getting started, please join our social media communities, and help get the word out:
If you’re on Twitter or Instagram, share your vegan breakfasts with the hashtag #VeganStart! The website,, will also host an informative blog, polls, featured vegan cookbook authors and new products, coupons, giveaways and more! Be sure to join the email list so you don’t miss anything.
I’m hoping every day we’ll see more and more vegan starts; help get the word out, and encourage everyone to start their day the vegan way!