What better way to celebrate World Vegan Day than to show off amazing vegan goodies with a bake sale fundraiser?
Goodies were brought down to Sarah’s Place, a really big thank you to vegan bakers Kiley, Cara, Lisa, Jordan, Hayley, Jenn and Diana – there were cupcakes, cookies, muffins, rice puff squares, candy apples, energy bars and Nanaimo bars!
The fundraising goal is to print up more Friends of Animals’ Vegan Starter Guides to distribute in the city – in May 2011 we printed up 4,000 (money also raised from bake sales!) and have given most of them out! So we’re planning to raise another $3000 to print up even more. We’ll be featuring more bake sales, and other fun events. $347 was raised at this one, thanks again for all who came down, and for the generous donations from our bakers! Contact us if you’d like to be added to our ‘Victoria Vegan Bakers’ list, and help out with future events!
Two more event photos below from Sarah Kramer, thank you again for hosting us outside of Sarah’s Place in Market Square, the world’s best vegan shop!!
Dave Shishkoff