


Last Friday I received an email from the Cornucopia Institute advocating organic egg production, and criticizing factory farm eggs for the spread of salmonella and arsenic. You can read it here: The Cornucopia Institute has published some helpful and revealing reports, such as the use of hexane in many soy foods (commonly consumed by vegans), as well as exposing non-organic soy use. They recently did a good job of blasting the “free range” eggs sold by Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe’s, and other pious grocery chains, showing that these and many more “humane” eggs are actually derived from high-volume operations. They showed that some companies, like Silk, had moved away from using organic (to cut costs) and pressed them back onto the organic track. But the group seems unable to admit that consumption of eggs is ecologically unsound and entirely unnecessary. Organic farming emits quite a lot of CO2…