


The Alley Cat Allies has published an interesting document called The Vacuum Effect: Why Catch And Kill Doesn’t Work (read the PDF here: ) researching the efficacy of kill or ‘cull’ programs, mainly in relation to feral cat populations. It’s no surprise to learn that the elements that drew cats to the area will only continue to do so, even when the community is destroyed. Same with other species in other environments, like mountain lions, badgers, raccoons and others. Doubtless, more rabbits will turn up at UVic. They are currently living off-campus in the surrounding neighborhoods, and other wooded areas. Inevitably, they will also find their way to UVic. And, unfortunately, UVic’s response (at least for now) is to kill them. We can understand that UVic doesn’t want people abandoning pet rabbits on campus grounds – we really sympathize with UVic, and the rabbits themselves. This isn’t an ideal…